Painful situation

by celeste

Deze post heb ik geschreven in het jaar voor mijn eerste kennismaking met Japan in 2014. Inmiddels is mijn website vernieuwd, maar het leek me leuk om mijn oude posts te bewaren en een kijkje te geven in de stappen die ik gezet heb. Vanuit een moeilijke tijd, een sprong in het diepe met angsten, nieuwe ontdekkingen en ervaringen, blijdschap, wederom afscheid, liefde, vriendschap, avontuur en creativiteit. Sorry, deze post is nog niet vertaald in het Nederlands.


PainfulI was a very bad decisionmaker….but this year I had the courage to make one big decision and it became a domino effect. For a long time I chose the wrong love, wrong work, wrong path. Do you know what I mean? Living in a cramp felt everything but positive. It was a painful situation.

But a positive mind always tries to make the best of everything. So this situation took longer than good. And it made me ill. Strange to write this, especially in these few words, but it felt like a circle. It was if the situation made me conscious about what I was doing with myself. And I wanted to leave that circle as soon as possible. But I learned that sometimes during this kind of life lessons, you have to learn more to have the tools and experience to fight the battle. Once I decided to stop with my energy wasteful relationship (but learning mirror as well), the domino effect went on. I bumped straight into my next mountain to climb, my job. My job took a lot of my precious energy as well. After a very negative period I resigned and broke through!

The energy in me is free again. My creativity and energy can flow. How I missed that. And it feels good to make plans how to follow my heart. I am positive more good things will follow.



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Eva 28/11/2013 - 15:53

Ga zo door, goed bezig!!! XXX Eva

Celeste Ortelee 04/12/2013 - 20:33

Dankje Eva! XXX


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